Thomas Becket Catholic School

Thomas Becket Catholic School

January 2022 - Staggered Return

Covid Testing & Staggered Return January 2022

End of Term Letter sent to Parents 16th December

COVID-19 Testing (as per End of Term Letter above)

The government has advised that all pupils should have one Lateral Flow Test before returning to school. As a result, I have had to stagger the start of term arrangements to ensure we can carry out the testing quickly and safely. Consent forms were circulated to all parents and carers. We will begin testing students, who have given consent, on Tuesday 4th January. I realise this is before the published start of term for some year groups, but it is the only way we can get the students through with minimal disruption to learning. If you are unable to attend due to other commitments, we will arrange an alternative for catch up. Students will administer the test themselves, under the supervision of trained staff, in the same way as when these tests were completed previously in September. Year group testing, for those that have given consent, will take place on the following dates and students will be advised of their tutor group timings by their tutor during tutor time.

Mr McCahill, Headteacher



Year group

Testing Time



Tuesday 4th January

13 and 12

13:00 – 14:00

Y13, Y12 & Y11 to return home after their test.


14:00 – 15:00

Wednesday 5th January

10 and 7

Y10 – P1 and P2


Y7 – P3 and P4

Y11, Y10 & Y7 in normal lessons.


Y13 & Y12 to arrive at 11:15am ready for P3.


Y9 and Y8 remote learning.

Thursday 6th January

9 and 8

Y8 – P1 and P2


Y9 – P3 and P4

Y7 to Y11 back in school in normal lessons.


Y13 & Y12 to arrive at 11:15am ready for P3.

If you are a parent of Y8 & Y9 and you require your child to attend the on-site provision on Wednesday 5th January, please contact Mrs Palmer on