Thomas Becket Catholic School

Thomas Becket Catholic School

Lifesaving defibrillator is donated to our school

Northampton’s Thomas Becket Catholic School, based on Becket Way off Kettering Road North, are proud to announce that they have received the donation of a lifesaving defibrillator via the Defibrillators in Public Places Charitable Trust (DiPPs).

The defibrillator is now located securely on the outside of the main entrance to school and will be registered with the NHS and Ambulance Service for emergency use for the whole community.

DiPPs aims to place lifesaving defibrillators into our communities to increase the odds of survival for the 80,000-120,000 people who will suffer a cardiac arrest in a public place in the UK each year.

Arline Hursey, Trustee of DiPPs, said: “At DiPPs, Defibrillators in Public Places Charitable Trust, we believe that defibrillators should be available in every public place, as common place as fire extinguishers. 

“If someone has a cardiac arrest their chance of survival greatly increases if a defibrillator is used in the first 3 minutes, they are designed to be used by anyone without medical training.

“We are particularly proud of the one that has been donated to Thomas Becket Catholic School, this has been placed outside the main reception making it available to anyone using the school at any time, the ambulance service can also direct anyone to it if necessary.”

Mark McLaughlin, Headteacher at Thomas Becket Catholic School, said: "We are very grateful to accept this lifesaving defibrillator.

"This will not only be here for the benefit of our staff and pupils but also to all our external lettings which include our community, Karate, Football, Dance, Church groups and organisations."

If you would like to find out more about Thomas Becket Catholic School call 01604 493211 or email